Out of The Water

At last, Storm swam his way through a distance of half a mile and made it to the shore with the baby deer. After making it out of the water, Storm gently placed the fawn on the sand and looked at Mark. Mark could notice that the fawn wasn’t moving, showing no signs of life. Was he dead? Did Storm’s efforts go in vain? Mark thought so at the moment but Storm had another plan.
Fighting For Its Life

Storm wasn’t giving up, though. He nudged the fawn softly with his nose, pawed at him and licked him around the neck. Finally, Mark was able to detect a very faint shaking. The deer showed signs of life with a subtle movement and was still alive, but in shock. Storm stayed by the fawn’s side, while Mark ran back to his car to call for help. He wasn’t sure the deer would make it, but his dog’s dedication gave him hope.
Immediate Action

So, it appeared that the brave dog Storm was rescuing a baby deer and had successfully made it out of the water but the job wasn’t finished yet. The fawn was still in a sensitive condition and things could go wrong if immediate action wasn’t taken. Keeping this in mind, Mark immediately sprinted towards his car so he could call for help. But did he take too much time in doing so? Only time will tell…
Calling For Help

The odds were against them but Storm’s determination inspired Mark. Mark had rescued other animals before so he knew what was the best thing to do under such circumstances. Mark immediately called a local group he used to volunteer for, Strong Animal Rescue league. Mark established his whereabouts and provided a brief description of what exactly had happened so as to help the rescuers to analyze the situation beforehand and prepare accordingly. Now he could only wait for the rescuers to arrive.
Here We Are

The rescuers arrived just minutes after Mark called them. Equipped with nets and leashes, Frankie Floridia along with his partner Erica Kutzing came to their rescue. In the meantime, Storm’s care had done enough to keep the baby deer alert but when he caught the sight of a few men approaching him, he staggered on his feet and rushed back into the water. He was scared perhaps.
Flight Instincts Kick In
“They are animals of flight; they are going to take off wherever they can go,” Mr.Floridia said. It was natural for the fawn to feel intimidated by the visual of two dogs and three humans, despite the fact that Storm had only saved his life a moment ago. However, Storm didn’t take it personally and sprinted to chase the baby deer.