Last Piece Of The Puzzle

There were so many questions Amy wanted the answers too, know about herself, her biological father, and this was the moment she had been trying to lead her life to. She picked up the phone and dialed the number she had been provided with and breathlessly, heard the ring go.
The Tension

A man picked up, he was obviously Will but that’s not the name her birth mother gave her, so she addressed him with the name she knew- “Andrew?” There was silence on the other side and she thought her heart would burst out of her chest. On the other side Will was wondering who this could be. Andrew was his middle name and not many people knew that.
Life Changing Words

He thought that people knew him as Will and not many people knew his middle name was Andrew. After that, she said the words to him that would bring happiness to both their lives, “This is Amy, your daughter.” Still, there was silence on the other side. She was afraid that the man on the other side would hang up. Unable to handle the silence any longer she pleaded, “Say something.”
“It’s going to be okay”

What happened after that was nothing less than the movies. Will was obviously overjoyed. He had been looking for his daughter too, like she for him. As calmly as he could he said his first words to his daughter- “It’s going to be okay.” But it was going to be better, they were yet to find out that they had been working at the same place for months now.
Plans To Meet

None of them wanted to delay the time of meeting any longer. 24 years were enough. They made a breakfast plan for next morning but none could sleep due to anticipation in the night. When they met the next morning, Amy had no doubt it was her father. They looked so much alike!
First Meal Together

The next morning the father and daughter met for a breakfast, their first meal together in 24 years, or ever for that matter. There was so much to catch up on and they did but Will had to leave: he told her daughter that he had volunteer work to take care of. Intrigued by the common interest Amy asked him about it.