Consistent bad service

It was clear why the cashier was bold enough to be rude to paying customers. While most managers would apologize and offer some sort of compensation for the trouble, this manager was just as rude as her cashier.
A female cook who was listening in on the conversation from behind then told the manager to pull her off the line because she will not be cooking for him and made an obvious gesture towards Baker. Instead of reprimanding the cook, the manager laughed.
Obvious disrespect

Witnessing this behavior from three people in the diner staff made Baker’s blood boil. He did his best to keep a cool head. He reminded them that they better treat their customers better or there will be consequences.
The manager looked as if the advice insulted her. She asked Baker to leave the establishment, ending her statement with the words “I don’t serve men like you.” Baker could not believe it.

“Men like me?” Baker repeated as if daring her to repeat what she just said. No more Mr. Nice Guy – we all know what that statement could mean. He demanded her to explain to him what she meant by “men like you.”
Baker clearly had enough. In a more authoritative voice, he repeated his purpose in speaking with her and told her that she should be thankful for the feedback. He could not believe how the staff was treating him.
The manager stands her ground

The manager stood her ground. In a cold tone, she told Baker that she did not owe him an explanation and asked him to leave because he was making a scene. Baker could not believe the disrespect.
As a police officer, he was not used to people disobeying him or disrespecting him. He definitely was not used to people looking down on him and discriminating against him. Even if he was not a police officer, nobody deserved this kind of treatment!
True colors

It was very clear that this manager will not talk to him politely and will not treat him with respect. It was clear that she had no idea who he is or what authority he has. Baker was not in uniform and to her, she thinks he is beneath her.
This made Baker think, do people respect him just because of the uniform? If he walked around without the uniform as he did now, will people show their true colors? From this experience, he has no doubt about it.
Unfamiliar faces

Officer Baker was well known in town but in the outskirts of this town, nobody recognized him. In fact, he would not even have to stand in line to get served. But this was different. He was in unfamiliar territory.
He suddenly felt eyes on him as other customers started noticing the commotion. Baker looked around looking for any familiar faces. He could not recognize anyone there. He knew he could not find anyone who could back up who he was.