Snapchat Hijack
Jane told about her Snapchat hijack incident on Twitter, where she wrote, “My snapchat has been hacked no one snapchat me!!! They are also demanding money from me to get back into it.” Her Snapchat being hijacked was a very personal attack on her and she got to know about the reality of fame and fortune.
Shut Herself Away
Because of all the hate comments, messages and media attention Jane suffered from severe social anxiety that literally broke her from inside. By this time, she locked herself in the house for many months. Soon she realized that she was alone and her so-called friends were nowhere in sight in the time like this.
Trying To Help
There was a good side too in her that people never tried to see. Yes, she spent her money on cars, clothes and plastic surgery, but she even helped people in need. However, not everyone felt the same about her helping out people. She talks about one incident, in particular, she said, “The worst was when I said I’d pay for the travel insurance for a young boy who was sick to go to Florida, and a couple of folks said I was just doing it for publicity.”
A Supportive Family
Being independent is one of the best feelings in the world. But in the time of personal crisis, we look for our family for help and support. And that’s what Jane did. When she was dealing with hate, failed love life and trust issues, her family came to the rescue. Jane has told about her family and how they helped in lifting her spirit. She is grateful for having loving parents and brother and sisters who have always been there for her.
Sharing The Winnings
After the winning the lottery she didn’t know how much to share with her family. She wanted to give them some of it, but remember, she was just 17 when she won this lottery. “It was hard to decide how much was enough, but not too little. I didn’t know how people were going to take it.” Jane admitted, “That was the most stressful part.”
Moving Back
Yes, she bought this big house for herself to live in with all the luxuries, but still, everything inside the house couldn’t make the feeling of being lonely go away. After the walls of the house started to bite her, she decided to move back in with her mom in their two-bedroom apartment. This was the best decision she made since winning the lottery. We don’t know about money, fame or future, but she was definitely getting back some of her normal life.