When you look at a family photo, it always looks attractive and well framed. The smiles on the people in the frame are a clear evidence that the family is happy and secure. But do we ever really know if a family is as happy as they look? Looks can truly be deceiving so we never really know what goes on at home. This couple adopted a boy who went ahead and dropped jaws in court when he decided to interrupt the judge…
Her One Dream
Parenting can be a challenging task. You never know whether the family would get along or not. So on August 13 of 2018, Sara Cozad was there in front of a judge with her hubby. This was done as the final adoption process, wherein the mom would get to legally adopt and be their mother.

Happy Realization

So as they were seated in front of the judge, the whole family was waiting for the final decision. The judge would answer whether the boys could be legally adopted by this woman and her husband. Just as this was happening, the older boy, Dayshawn, decided to have an announcement during the court proceedings. He went ahead and revealed something that left Cozad flooded with tears.
A Big Deal

The court proceedings had been taking quite a long time. This day was indeed a very long time coming for the woman whose future was about to be clear regarding the boys. When she was young, she had known that she would one day want to become a foster mom. It was something that she had always aspired to be. So this was a big deal for her.
7 Years Ago

This woman had always been interested in taking in children and being a foster mom. It was something she felt quite passionate about. And as a matter of fact, seven years prior to this day in court, this lady had first met her soon-to-be husband, Stuart Shank. Even then she quickly told him her dream of one day becoming a foster mom.
Rolling With It

It would definitely be weird for someone to immediately confide in you that she wants to become a foster mom the first time you meet. But her husband was the kind of guy who was actually impressed by this, someone who did not have a problem with it. “I was impressed with how [Shank] rolled with it,” Cozad revealed in an interview she gave on September 2018.
After The Honeymoon

Since this was the case, it was clear that she and Shank were actually meant to be. They were both passionate about a lot of other stuff too. So they fell in love and soon it came time for the couple to get married back in 2014. It was a few years following their first date. They went for their honeymoon soon and when they got back home, the journey towards becoming foster parents followed.