Preying On The Vulnerable
The trio who followed Winni to the ATM were identified as Felix Stoica, 19, Piper Dumitru, 18, and Florin Geblescu, 18. These teenagers looked for “easy targets” but Winni made sure they learn their lesson. The police found out that these three teenagers were from Manchester who has been involved in other cases of snatching and theft. But this time they messed up with the wrong person.
Breadcrumb Trail
The police officer who was in the crowd heard every detail Winni told back then and made sure he gets in touch with the other officer from that area. Winni had caused a great damage to one of the guys whom she grabbed in the ATM. The evidence could be seen on the machine which was wounded by the attack made by Winni and the trail of blood helped the officer in catching those guys.
Fighting Fit
For several years, Winifred had been a gym freak who made sure went there four times a week. But with time she lost intensity but made sure she remained fit. That day her body regained all the energy she had in her body which helped her in that difficult situation. She was determined to see those three guys behind the bars. She has proved the world that age is just a number.
No Escape
The police followed the trail and found the trio hiding behind the dumpster some few blocks away. The wound was severe and the guy was screaming in pain. But whatever they did to innocent Winni they deserved it. Heaven and hell is just a theory because this world in which we live in is filled with both. You’ll get what you sow.
Brought to Justice

Even today when Winni recalls the moment it brings chills to her spine. If she wouldn’t have shown some courage things would have been entirely different. The case was in the court and the trio confessed to their crime, and the judge made sure that Winni gets her justice. Each of them was sentenced to spend time in jail. The judge justified their action saying, that what they did Winni, “casting a shadow” over her life for years.