We all have been through a moment where we could sense that we are forgetting something. It’s like a major missing of what holds some significance but we cannot it remember anymore. Isn’t that extremely frustrating? Yet we cannot do anything about it. We usually miss on the teeny tiny memories but what if it is something huge? Or a hidden truth that can turn many lives upside down once unleashed?
Think of it, we all have at least one moment from our childhood that we remember but only in bits and pieces. Soon most of those memories become blurry, just like a faded vintage painting.
This is a heartwarming story of a girl who fought all the odds to recall what meant the most to her once. At the same time, she wasn’t even sure about what exactly it was that she kept looking for. She lost the memory of it all, thanks to the rough course of time that she has been through. Every time she tried to make a journey back to those faded memories the weirdest of information popped on the scene. But was she ever able to solve this riddle that none could understand but herself?

In Her Dream
At midnight, she woke up with a strange sort of feeling. It was strange but not new to her as she used to feel the same way many times before. Each time she had the same dream, and in it, she saw her childhood-self sad and frightened. When a helping hand reached for her help, she grabbed it and it guided her towards a room full of light.

The Dream
Once she enters the room, the door gets locked and she could feel it like she never had to return to those dark streets. Before she could even feel the joy of freedom, a loud noise starts to call for her from behind the door. The voice keeps calling for her, and it grew louder and louder, without any pause. Until the moment it becomes impossible for the little girl to hear herself think.
Out Of It
Like every time before she had this dream, this time also, she woke up again at the same moment when she couldn’t bear the constantly increasing loud noise calling for her anymore. It was a feeling of regret and despair but why did she feel so? The girl had no answer to this and all the other questions on her mind.

Not Yet Over
All she knew was that she has to get to the bottom of it. She couldn’t concentrate anywhere but think of what this dream was trying to tell her. Not even once she felt that it was just a dream, in fact, her belief in the point that it was a sign kept increasing every time she saw the same dream. Was her intuition right? Was her dream indeed trying to take her into a certain direction? Or was it a memory that was only stored in her subconscious mind?
When It All Started
She was well aware that her early childhood years had not been like most of the people. Although she didn’t remember any of it, all she had were the stories everyone told her about that earliest phase of her life. The girl we are referring to is Renee Alanko and it’s her unusual story…