Triplets are very rare and to see them together almost feels unreal. Seeing three people who are identical like the Dahm triplets would make anyone feel a bit intimidated especially because of their insane beauty. They decided to try something out of the ordinary and take a DNA test. The result left them as amused as everyone else.
The Trio
The Dahm triplets were born on December 12, 1977. Their parents were Robert John Dahm and Donita Marie Eatros. Nicole, Erica, and Jaclyn were all very popular because of their blond hair, undeniable beauty and charisma. It was indeed a difficult job to tell the girls apart but there was a clever way of doing so. Robert and Marie decided to give each girl a tattoo on the bottom of their foot to differentiate them. Nicole got one dot, Erica got two and Jaclyn got none.
These girls had been very popular with the public since birth residing in Jordan, Minnesota where there are 30,000 people. Even if they were from a small town, their beauty made many modeling agencies in signing them.
Who Is Who?
The Dahm triplets are so much identical that it is impossible to tell them apart. We understand it might sound like a funny situation but when we tell you that when they were kids even their parents couldn’t make a difference then you might understand the seriousness of this issue. However, their parent’s came up with a solution that stays with the triplets even today.
Beautiful Appearances
While growing up, they’d similar height, the Dahm triplets were the center of attraction wherever they went, everyone’s eyes were on them due to their elegant features, sparkling blue eyes, and shiny blonde hair and the fact that it’s three of them was the add-on to their beauty. When these angel-like divas chose an evident career, it made them an instant success.
Dreams For College
The Dahm sisters knew very well that they wanted to be career women and not just rely on their modeling. Each of them joined the University of Minnesota’s nursing school. They saw an opportunity to be in one of the most prominent magazines of that time. So they decided to try their luck.
The girls soon experienced a little taste of fame when they moved to LA and had many offers to model or appear in TV shows. They even starred in one episode of Boy Meets Girl and participated in Family feud winning $ 10,000.They also competed in an episode of House Wars and won.
A Meeting with Destiny
Then the triplets invited to be on a Fox show called Renovate my Family. The TV show host Jay McGraw, aka Dr. Phil’s son, met and fell hard for Erica, the second born. “It was love at first sight,” Erica says. This meeting would slowly lead to the shocking DNA results. Jay McGraw also had another TV show, The Doctors where the theme is mostly public health with occasional celebrity appearances.
So after Jay McGraw wifed Erica Dahm in 2016, he had the idea of bringing his wife and her twins to the show. This would help people know better about the twins and was clearly a very good way to boost ratings as well.
The Test
Modern technology has allowed a DNA test to be simpler. Now you do not have to go all the way to a research lab, but just make use of a saliva test from the comfort of your home to send for DNA testing. The Dahm sisters were confident that the test would prove that they are indeed identical! They had to wait for a few weeks to get the results of their saliva tests. The test did confirm that they were identical twins. This test number 2 was to find out if the twins were also ethnically identical. They obviously expected the results to show that they were sharing identical ethnicity as they all came from the same parents.
Second Test
This test number 2 was to find out if the twins were also ethnically identical. They obviously expected the results to show that they were sharing identical ethnicity as they all came from the same parents. Then the test revealed that Nicole’s was 18% Irish and British while Erica’s was just 16%. Also, Nicole is 11% German and French while Jaclyn and Erica are 18% and 22.3% respectively. Also Erica and Jaclyn a 7.4% while Nicole got an 11.4% in their Scandinavian ancestry test.