Lucky Seven
Jaqi was a believer of signs and omens. She considered her lucky number to be 7 and she considered it a good sign that her daughters were born on 7th of July. The daughters were going to turn 7 on 7/7/2017. She just knew this was a special date and somehow the right time to introduce her daughters to the world of modeling.
Birthday Gift
Ava and Leah were developing individual personalities. They took dancing and swimming lessons for extracurricular activities. On their 7th birthday, Jaqi introduced the idea of modeling to her daughters. In an interview, she told, “I presented my idea to the girls that, if they were up for it, in addition to their dance classes and swim team practices they had every week, they could give modeling a try.”
They Said Yes!
After Jaqi introduced the idea of modeling to Leah and Ava, they were really excited. About their reaction, Jaqi observed, “I was not surprised at all when they started jumping up and down and couldn’t wait to begin!” They were confident girls who loved to perform what they learned in dance classes for their neighbors and relatives. Now that Jaqi knew this is what the girls wanted, she could move forward without anticipation.
Stars In Making
The eyes, the glossy hair, and the smooth skin were all prior gifted to Leah and Ava. On top of that, they developed charming personalities. The mother wanted to get a photoshoot of theirs done so they had a portfolio ready to show to big modeling agencies. Fortunately for them, an opportunity was available right next door.
Baby Steps

Even though the girls excitedly agreed to the idea of modeling, they were still kids. Jaqi did not want a load of makeup to be put on her little girls or have pretty dresses hamper their growth in any way so unlike before, she decided to take it slow. She said, “I dug out my 10-year-old Nikon camera from a bin in the garage, put a few waves in the girl’s hair, dabbed on a little blush, and out we went to take some pictures.”
Small-Town Models

Things seemed to be working out in the favor of the Clements family. It was sheer coincidence that one of their neighbors had recently inaugurated her own children’s boutique and she needed models for the marketing of the clothes. Not only did the twins get the job, it was good for the future. Jaqi told the interviewer, “I needed some new photos if I was going to get them an agent so I figured this would be a great opportunity for all of us.” Things started to fall in place.