Huge Figures
The discoveries of statues at least seemed without any end. The city was surely very religious as this was another pharaoh’s statue which measured more than 5 meters! Again, it was made wholly out of red granite and inside the sea, the head was separated from the body.
A Gold Plaque
This is how the divers literally struck gold. Somewhere in the south of the city, they found this gold plaque with Greek engravings. The closest guess has been that this is King Ptolemy III’s (246-222 B.C.) signature to approve the building of an area and this is not it.
The God Osiris
In ancient Egypt, Osiris was the g0d of the underworld, the afterlife, and rebirth. This image shows a bronze statue of his bearing his crown to wield his power. If it is looked at closely, you’d notice that the eyes of the statue are gold plated. Lots of other stuff made entirely of gold was found too.
Careful Measurements
Here you can see one of the team members following the protocol of taking exact dimensions of the statue they would later take out of the sea. Since this site in Aboukir Bay is such a rare find, all was to be documented properly down to the last decimal. Another item found worth preserving was this.
Other Things Gold
The ancient Egyptian settlements were so rich that they ate their food and had their drinks from gold utensils. In the picture, you can see a shallow dish made out of gold which was used for the purpose of serving and drinking. What more, there were entire stones made out of gold found too.
When divers came across this beautiful statue they were stunned by its beauty. Immediately there was a debate among researchers to know who this Ptolemaic queen dressed as the goddess Isis was. They have not settled whether its Cleopatra II or Cleopatra III. Then there is this…