A Huge Discovery
The city is believed to have been lost to the sea around the 8th century CE. The facts of its existence faded over the years as no proof of it was ever found other than a rare mention in some ancient text or another. There was no physical evidence of its truth until recently when it became a hard fact rather than a memory of history which was fading away.
Giant Find
Just look at this magnificence! This was all made possible by the historians’ beliefs in the random references in ancient texts and their determination to not let history and a culture die away without recognition in the arms of the sea. This is just a part of what they discovered. The pictures ahead are really awe-inspiring and make one wonder at the minds of the Egyptians!
Sunken But Not Forgotten
It took Franck Goddio and his team more than 13 years to carry out the operation of excavating an entire city submerged under see! But it was worth the time and wait for the things they found there are nothing short of amazing. Their work literally paid off as they also found a lot of gold under there. The city started to take shape once again, piece by piece.
Time To Move Out
What you are about to see are huge and almost entirely intact statues of g0ds and g0ddesses, uncountable gold coins, tablets with inscriptions and temples. It took more time for the excavation team than expected as the city was quite big. They did not expect a place which was almost like a myth a few years ago to be so humungous. What they found is nothing short of a miracle.
Massive Statues
What you see in front of you are just a few statues from the numbers that were found under the water. What is surprising is that even after being underwater for thousands of years these statues have not seen much wear and tear. This means that the Egyptians used materials that were long lasting and that stands the tests of time. It is not really surprising as it is the same civilization that built the amazing and mystifying pyramids.
Weighing Tons
Discovering was one thing and carrying out the excavation whole another. The statues weigh tonnes of kilos and it took a large team to carry out the process of bringing these huge artifacts on the surface from underwater. One really got to appreciate the divers who put their lives in danger to preserve a piece of history. Then after these artifacts were moved out, taking care of them is another huge task too.