Be Safe

We don’t care about you, we care about the animals that run the risk of eating you and then falling ill as human’s flesh is too difficult to digest.  

Which One?

This office counts everyone. They even count the happiness one person brings when he/she joins or leaves when he/she resigns. This is the board that they put out sharing their thought with them.


It might sound like that but this is not what you think. This is surely an amazing way to get people to wash their clothes. Have you ever been invited so romantically?  Perhaps no! But surely you can take some lessons from it.

Befit Reply

What do I say about it now? Well, you have read it and also the reply made to it. What you liked the most the later note, right? Sarcasm rocks!

Handle With Care

Did you read it? It is a sign made in a hilly area. So you have understood what the board means by curves. But isn’t it a nice way to put it? Loved it. So the next time you go to any hill area just be very careful with its curves. 

College And Library

Though at a time college was built for students to study. But our highly qualified students have changed those college years into something else which is well written on the board. So, did you go to college or the library?