Marilyn, Is That You?
Is she really the one we think she is? We didn’t really want to spoil the image of beautiful Marilyn for you. But this guy left us helpless and now, we are obliged to introduce you to the tanned Marilyn which will leave you wondering what could be possibly wrong with the man who got her most memorable picture tattoed. This could be the side effect of sunlight or sunscreen.
Bad Day?
Things will possibly go wrong and completely out of hand when you’ll decide to get a tattoo from an unprofessional. This guy might have been so much obsessed about getting the tattoo of his favorite band that he couldn’t wait to look for a pro tattoo artist. Hence, got one from a kiddo and the results are in front of us.
What Power?
Isn’t this hilarious? Well, we really can’t say much about what went on this guy’s mind. Whether he got this to show his aggression for the white power regime or he is simply clueless about what’s wrong with this tattoo. in both the cases, we’ve found great humor and feel pity for the poor guy who can get into trouble with any group who’ll feel offended about it.
#1 Fan
Drake himself was shocked to look at what this girl has done to show her ‘fans-iness’. No, the girl wasn’t drunk, no, she wasn’t high either. The irony is that the tattoo artist who made this piece of art didn’t even know who Drake is until the tattoo got so much publicity, he told in an interview.
Process On Hand

The frustrating steps we need to follow when our PC suddenly shows the warning to restart it! We just don’t want that screen to pop up ever! But here is ‘the man’ who took it to the next level and got the steps inked on his arm. Did he face some issue remembering the steps? What went wrong with him? This now seems to be a common question!
Courage! Is that what he meant? Is that how courage is spelled? Guess what, you can just google it before you get it inked on your skin forever! Well, our empathies are with him as we are quite sure he didn’t even notice the mistake he has made. This picture is just to show off his new tattoo, which apparently is misspelled.