The Mafia Style
He works like a boss! And when he likes something he knows where to hide it and brings it home safely without being noticed. Now comes the toughest part which he does just with one puke!
Did You Know?- Newborn puppies are not only toothless, also blind and deaf!
Lazy Dog Sitter Caught!
They don’t leave the dog sitter when it comes to peeing. Mother said this dog sitter will take him for a walk but as he didn’t, this white pooch peed in the bed he was sleeping on.
Did You Know?- “Three dog night” is a native Australian saying for indicating that it’s cold enough that you need three dogs to keep you warm during the night.
Pooh Couldn’t Save Eeyore
This pretty boy took the eyes of Eeyore, the stuffed donkey and that too very nicely but like most of his friends he too didn’t seem to be ashamed of the pet shaming note at all, rather a blind Eeyore on the other side seems to be a bit more disappointed.
Did You Know?- With love and efforts, dogs can learn to count and solve the simplest maths problem.
Forget The TV

Although he is a dog, he doesn’t mind playing the role of a mouse too and maybe he was certain about who even needs a TV when they’ve got a tiny cuddler on their couch, the cuddler forgot that in front of the couch a TV is a must which he too enjoys, or used to enjoy!
Did You Know?- The smallest of dog breeds tend to mature faster than the bigger breeds.
Nothing To Be Ashamed!
This owner got it right, the dog is not sorry. Why should he be? He is supposed to stay with his human all the time. If you leave him alone, you have to be prepared to face the consequences.
Did You Know?- Your pooch can also learn to walk backward, say hello, bow, and salute all you need is to keep trying patiently.
Running Day!
They are our family and at times they’re bad dogs too just like this one, tempted by other pups and forgetting his owners, but luckily they did find him.
Did You Know?- As humans are left or right handed, likewise, dogs and cats too are left pawed or right pawed and tend to use one of the paws for smashing down their toys.