We’ve Similar Tastes!
Bailey and Hamilton have learned the technique to overcome their fear of the vacuum cleaner. This pair loves to just spread coffee beans and they’ll do it anyhow, even if they’re picking it up from the trash!
Did You Know?- The most common habit of dogs is to kick after they are done and they do it for a reason, they’re leaving their scent through their paws to mark it as their region.
We get caught in many awkward situations because of our pets and one such example is Obie, who thinks it is his duty to perform the security checks on everyone who enters his home, why he has to do that is a doggy mystery.
Did You Know?- According to a study held at the University of California, mostly dogs get jealous if their owner is showing love to someone or something else.
Poor dad! who might have thrown the pillow away after this incident and let’s just say their human believes in the saying, “watching crime happen silently makes you equally guilty as the criminal”, hence, now both are sitting in the hall of shame.
Did You Know?- Before pooping, dogs connect to earth’s magnetic field, face either north or south and then poop.
Let’s Get Lucky Tonight!
They love stuffed toys, all of them, but for different reasons, some love to tear them apart, rest roam around holding them everywhere, some just need them during nights, to cuddle and sleep with. This little guy tries to get Lucky, the toy every night and chances are that Lucky belongs to a kid in the home who minds sharing his toy and here we are with this pet shaming sign.
Did You Know?- Tail wagging over to the left could mean dogs are frightened, to the right means they’re happy, and a straight up tail most likely means they’re uneasy.
Naked And Shameless!
Gracie, we are so proud of you young lady! What you did is break your own collar, at least you didn’t decide to poop on your human’s pillow or car or didn’t tear up any antique, she just did what she wanted to do with her collar, that shouldn’t bother anyone as per her, but to her human it sure does who has to take her for a walk soon.
Did You Know?- Dogs listening capacity is 4 times more than humans!
Dogs tend to stay closest to the tiniest member of their family as they enjoy a toddler’s affection and appreciation towards them. This bearded pooch did what he liked and no doubt it is disgusting. After this incident, the dog’s owner should rather get him trained instead of trying pet shaming signs.
Did You Know?- Dogs with perky ears hear sounds and noises far better than the dogs with floppy ears.