Every Human My Friend!

Who would’ve thought that instead of being a good watchdog, he’ll become friends with strangers! The dog is sad though most probably because of the scolding. The owner had a big-time loss but it’s nothing as long as they’ve their best friend still safe at home.
Did You Know?- Previously it was believed that dogs can only see in black and white, however, it’s proven that they can see yellow and blue too but are color blind for red-green.
Hence Proved

Photobomber he sure is or we should rightly say an attention seeker? When his brothers are sitting quietly looking at the camera, all set to be clicked, giving the right look, this guy has been in a habit of ruining the perfect family picture and his owner is quite aware of his next move and hence we get a perfect picture!
Did You Know?- Just like humans have unique fingerprints, dogs too have unique nose prints, don’t say you thought it’s their paws!
Dog Vs Cat!
Normally when our pets are taken to a new place it takes them some time to get used to it but Vinnie has her own talent and she loves to show off how she can jump off the baby gate, trick the old cat and take the cat food away!
Did You Know?- Unlike dogs, the reason why cats can’t get excited about sweets is because they don’t perceive the sweet taste.
Take A Chill Pill
Finally, the truth has been spoken, and your pets honestly don’t care about these boards at all. If they’re being lazy then they might have some anxiety issues or maybe feeling sick or maybe not just in the mood to play, although the last option is the rarest scenario.
Did You Know?- Dogs have a good reason behind smelly paws, it’s not bad at all rather that’s the area where their sweat glands are located! No, they never sweat through salivation, that’s a myth!
We Don’t Talk Anymore!

We know most dogs are so used to liking their owners’ food more than their own but they’re interested in rabbits’ food too! That was unnoticed so far. This rabbit is no victim rather a believer of “tit for tat” concept, as he did pee on the big guy’s bed as a return favor!
Did You Know?- Dogs can see in the dark so now you know why they wake up at nights as soon as you get off the bed, thanks to their great sense and tapetum lucidum, a special membrane in their eyes!
Bat Dog!
Grandma must be angry but Bat Dog doesn’t really care as he has the whole Gotham city to save! Let’s be very honest here, don’t judge the character of your dogs from their size, they might walk around fearless or they might stand two steps behind and then bark at the strangers.
Did You Know?- As per a press poll website, dogs can predict windy weather and it happens when they start acting funny, this is what 72% dog owners believe. The dilemma is we find our pets behaving funny every now and then.