Seeing those pictures evoked nostalgic memories of her travel.“Those pictures remind me of old memories and looking at them brought me back to them.” Tsubakihara said. What’s more unfathomable to Tsubakihara was that she and her friends had already been to Taiwan back in March 2017, and eventually her camera had somehow ended up at a coast of Taiwan as well.“I still can’t believe this is happening but the only thing I want to say is to thank you so much for every single person who was involved with this,” she said.
It was nothing short of a miracle that the camera case remained sealed for so long, protecting the camera against strong currents and waves for all the time it was floating in the sea and even after when it came to rest at Su’ao, Taiwan. What’s more surprising was that all the pictures were still saved in the device and there wasn’t a single flaw in its functioning, given the fact that the camera hadn’t been put to use for almost as much as two years. Miraculous, isn’t it?
Plans to Visit Taiwan
Everyone is not as kind and generous as Park and his students were. I mean how many of us would have done the same and carried the trouble of finding the whereabouts of a lost camera’s owner over our heads. If it wasn’t for the efforts that Park and his students made, the story behind this lost camera would forever remain in the shadow.
Thanks A Ton
Tsubakihara was as glad and excited to know that her long-lost camera was in a safe pair of hands. Now what’s left was to visit Taiwan to collect her camera and also thank Lee and his amazing students in person for their kind gesture. For now, she made a video call to Lee and the students to express her gratitude for what they did. “I could hardly contain my excitement about this recent chain of events.” she said.
A Media Hit
Tsubakihara’s story met well with the media and was widely covered over different channels. Numerous news channels across Japan and around the globe got in touch with Tsubakihara. Everyone wanted to know how she had lost her camera and retrieved it after 2 long years. She was surprised by the media attention her story had attracted.
A Sponsored Trip
Tsubakihara would always remember Taiwan for its hospitality. Just when you think that nothing could top Tsubakihara’s reunion with her camera, a renowned travel agency of Taiwan named Kkday, sponsored Tsubakihara and her mother a five-day vacation between 26th-30th April 2018 including the air-tickets and stay at a four-star hotel named Yilan Yuechuan.