Affection For Animals
Emily further states, “June has always liked animals, but had never formed a real bond with one. Until Juno. They are inseparable. They watch TV together, play together, and are touching at any possible time. “Sometimes I think they are communicating in their own way that we don’t understand. It’s the most beautiful and comforting thing,” adds June’s mother.
Things In Common
June and Juno have many things in common. They both love to watch T.V and cuddling with each other. June’s furry friend is as friendly as June herself is. Both of them loves to listen to music too. They never get bored of each other.
Heart To Heart
The best thing is that Juno always gets whenever June feels low. It is perhaps because of the strong connection they have with each other. The pooch would try her best to cheer her up. She would snuggle with her and rub her cheeks to June’s.
Different Personalities
Juno and Fern both are an integral part of the family. Whereas both of them are lovely, they both own different personalities. Fern is playful and lively by nature. You can spot her most of the time jumping or rolling in the garden. On the other hand, Juno is of reserved nature and cuddly. She loves to stay around June and snuggle with her. “She is the most gentle baby,” Emily said while describing Juno. “She quite literally loves anybody and anything. My cats even snuggle up to her,”
Helping Out

Fern and Juno brought only happiness to the family. The family that once drowned in grief now was living a blissful life thanks to these two pooches. Fern lighted up the environment with her playful and fun-loving attitude and Juno showered the girls with lots of love and caring. Not to mention these two did wonder to this drowning house.
Building Strength
The family might have still been in distress had Emily, not brought the dogs in the house. For Emily seeing her kids laughing and playing was enough to push through the lonely days and lives. Emily is very thankful to these dogs who helped them coming back to light from the dark.