Kids often complain about their pain and frustrations. As adults we often neglect them and look to these as just trivial matters. It is natural for the older members of the family to get seriously ill. We do not really second guess when our grandparents complain about their health. But kids often get hushed if they cry or complain too much. This is one mistake that this young boy would hopefully rectify for you. Read about this unbelievable story when this young boy could not stop crying because of the pain he was feeling…
A Boy’s Tears
As a loving parent, what could be the worst thing to see? Well, on this list, seeing your kids cry would definitely be on the top of the list. To see your child coming home from school in tears would certainly be nothing to celebrate. This mother learned that her son’s tears were because of the school dentist and so she was more than annoyed. She was not happy about her son wailing at all…
Taking A Look
So her son came home one day and could not stop his tears from rolling down his cheeks. His poor mother was absolutely enraged because any mother would be irritated to see their kids come home crying from school. After asking him what the matter was, the boy explained what happened to him in school that day. She took a closer look inside her son’s mouth and was appalled by what she saw…
An Obedient Student
To hear that the dentist working at her son’s school had given him so much pain was clearly not something Shanda Flemming was happy to receive. She was residing with her son Michael (9) in Baltimore, Maryland. Her son was in the third grade at Beechfield Elementary School. He was one of the brightest students there and was well like by his peers as well.
Not As Planned
Michael was doing quite well academically. But in the month of January, in the year 2017, all this would change when Shanda signed the permission slip allowing her son’s teeth to be cleaned by the local dentist. You would think that there was nothing to worry about, that everything would go as planned. But as luck would have it, things went downhill…
The In-School Dental Program
This school was well established and had produced several bright students too. They aimed to be an all-rounder school that took other activities into priorities too, not just focusing on studies and academics. According to the Baltimore Public School district, the school had been running an in-school dental program since 2007. And so far, things had always gone smoothly…
Free For What?
However, things took a turn for the worst as tragedy, unfortunately, struck an innocent boy. The program has received a lot of attention because of the fact that a young boy had died of a tooth infection. This was indeed a very bad rep for the school as death is, by all means, the worst thing that could ever happen to a student. Hence the school districts have offered dental services free of charge.