
As it transpired, what Radar was missing the most in life was love. Everything took a 180 once love made way into his life. He was a lot better after feeling what it’s like to be loved. We all know how heavily a dog can feel. They can sense what others feel for them and eventually Radar had to make peace with the fact that his previous owner was not as good as the dog had thought. 

Awesome Story

This is certainly not an everyday story and we are glad that things ended up on a happy note. Radar ended up in the hands of a more responsible and loving owner, something he desperately needed to change his life. Serendipitous! Isn’t it? “We knew that if it was, in fact, his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge, we wanted it to be in a home with dignity and not in the shelter where he was alone and scared,” Graves added. 

Strict Measures

Do you know that abandoning an animal can get you punished under the charge of a misdemeanor? Many laws have been enforced against such acts in many states but it becomes nearly impossible to identify such people as they certainly don’t leave their pet license behind. even if one is traced the fines imposed are as mere as a sum of 50$ which can reach up to $500 in some cases, and failing to meet it can result in 30-day imprisonment. Do you think there’s a need for more strict measures? 

What To Do?

We understand that all the owners aren’t that bad and tough times can force people to let go of their pets when they are not able to meet their expenses. But one doesn’t need to abandon them as there are better things to be considered. You can list your dog for adoption or hand them to an acquaintance or a friend if they are willing to adopt them. Leaving them out on their own should never be an option.

A Silver Lining

“Every cloud has a silver lining.” It will be right to say that Radar’s story perfectly fits this saying. However, we would like to thank every individual who made it possible for Radar to turn his life around. The volunteers at the animal shelter and the Animal justice league, Radar’s foster mother Brandi Hendrix who made sure that the future is bright for the little pooch.