Playing Around

The pooch who was once abandoned by his own owner has now found a best friend embodied in a cat. They are both mischievous and are often found running and playing around all over the place. They literally pick each other’s legs and luckily for Radar the life he’s living now is much better than ever. He doesn’t miss his previous owner anymore, nor does he roam around all over the place sniffing for a familiar smell. Brandi’s love has done wonders to this little pooch.

New Home

“Home is where the heart is,” and Radar’s heart belongs here at the shelter. He’s found a new home and he’s way happier and better now. He’s in the pink of his health as he has gotten rid of his stomach ailment and there were people at the shelter to take care of his nails. And for now, as we all know Brandi is always by his side.

Bad Owner

Things were ultimately at their best and it couldn’t have been any better for the little pooch. No matter how worse things were initially, the ending Radar got made up for all the ordeal he had to face. There are many people out there who are similar to Radar’s previous owner in the way they treat their pets and unfortunately, there are many pets who are victims of such inhuman behavior. But there’s a lot more than pointing fingers that can be done. There’s a way to make things better and we are going to discuss how.

Adopting Pets

Not every abandoned dog is as lucky as Radar as life doesn’t always give one with happily ever after. Not only dogs, but there are also many other pets who had been abandoned by their former owners and are now living a dreadful life. They are in desperate need for help but unfortunately, there aren’t enough helping hands to reach out to them. Therefore, we would request and advise people who plan to add a pet to their family to opt for adoption rather than buying one from a pet store. Not only will you heal a broken soul, but you’ll also experience the bliss that one gets by bringing a smile on a sad face.

Win-Win Situation

Opting for adoption instead of buying a pet from the store is much better in many ways. How come, you ask? Not all of us are the same in the way we treat others and these pets out there deserves to see the bright side of life as well. Kindness can do wonders and there’s no better medicine that heals better than love. These pets will eventually end up in a loving home with a family to look after them and they might never be able to express to you in words but the look on their face will tell you how grateful they are to a foster pet owner.

Turning Things Around

There are a lot of things to learn from this story but the most important lesson is that we should never lose hope or simply give up on the ones we love, even if they are cats or dogs for that matter. You never know what the future holds and one needs more than just medical attention to turn their health around. Love, care and attention might not go hand in hand with logic but when one is on the receiving end, they can bring a change in anyone’s mood.