Skateboard Fight
The guys were in immense danger and without any help or any expertise on fighting. The man was moving the skateboard to hit them and it was a very close counter. This was scary, one of the guys just thought that they should have called the police before trying to chase him…
A Call
Out of the four teens, one who stayed back in the parking lot immediately called the police and explained the whole situation. The teen gave the information and his current location. He tried emphasizing on the part that the police should chase this man first instead of reaching to his location.
Which Direction?
The police understood the seriousness of the situation and asked him in which direction did the man and his friends ran… The guy told them that they just took a turn in to the right side after leaving the parking lot. Will the police make it on time?
Just A Matter Of Time
The nearest police car rushed into their direction and now it was just a matter of time whether the police will make it before or any of the three guys fighting this man will get severely injured. The other guy was praying to God to save his friends’ lives.
Cops Arrived
The guys were in luck as the cops arrived at the right time. The cops saw the man and ran behind him. Looking at the cops the man threw the skateboard and tried to run. The police warned him to stop or else he’ll be shot. But the guys were scared too because the police took them too.
Gave In
The man finally gave in. The guys ran back to their friend in the parking lot and noticed that one the police car was already there. They took the girl in the car and were about to take care of the matter from there on. The guys had just one concern and one question…