
The superintendent of the school informed Chris that she will be the lead in this investigation. She stated that the investigation will not be taking into consideration any social media incidents as this is a personal matter. They will not be making their decisions based on online polls or comments on Chris’s post.
The Teacher’s Fate

The decision at the end of the investigation will be based upon the interviews, facts, and evidence they collect. The board ensured that Chris knew their intentions are clear and they have Kamdyn’s best interest in mind. So they will make sure whatever the outcome is, it will be fair to all.
Posting An Update

Chris decided to post an update on social media to thank everyone for their efforts because of which now there is an investigation happening. He wrote, “Thanks to all the efforts and support of the dedicated people who signed and shared this petition, I’m happy to announce that the teacher in question is currently being investigated by the Valley View school board”
No Further Update

As of now, there have been no further updates about how the investigation is going or if they passed a decision yet, but Chris was not anxious anymore. Because more than anything, he was proud of the fact that he stood up for what was wrong and did not stay quiet when his son was being mentally abused like that.
Finding A New Teacher
As a precaution, Kamdyn was shifted to a different teacher’s batch now and the results from this change were obvious. He was happy and attentive, just like his old self. His parents were proud of him. It was his time to shine and prove to everyone that he is the same bright and energetic kid who loved learning.
Nurturing Inspiration

It is obvious how much a teacher can influence their students. The best thing a teacher can do is support inspiration in their students but to do so, they need to be inspired themselves. Carrying the baggage of their troubles is not helpful to anyone but especially for a teacher, it can be destructive.