An Opportunity

So since he insisted, Viloria finally took his siblings out to unwind and have some fun. They went to play some gutter ball and enjoyed two rounds of bowling. This was not over. Viloria then brought his family to McDonald’s to have some Happy Meals and ice cream. There something took his attention. As they were eating at McDonald’s he saw a “help wanted” sign.
Getting Accepted
He knew this was a good opportunity to get a job. He did not spare any time and got to inquire about it the next day itself. He went and gave them all of his information. They were glad to give him a chance, that his shift would be a couple of hours, that he would be paid higher than the minimum wage. All he had to do was to get their call. He certainly did not expect to become one of their best employees.
Making A Good Impression

When he finally went to his job interview at McDonald’s, Viloria gave nothing but the best of his capabilities. His positive mindset and behavior managed to impress the management team. So, he got an offering for the job straight away. He went to receive his training the following day. He was having difficulty in balancing the flow between the cash register, milkshake machines, taking orders and packing.
Excellent Team Work
And so Viloria was not exactly quick to grasp what the job required him to. This was not an issue because he still showed he was eager and open to learning. The team he was placed in was also very patient with him. On top of all this, since he showed that he was hardworking and put effort, his teammates were open to help with anything possible. But nobody had expected him to handle customers the way he did this very day…
Rush Hour
Soon Viloria got his own timings that he needed to work in. They assigned him the early 5 a.m. shift that would require him to wake up in the wee hours of the day. This would mean that Pedro had to put his siblings to bed to sleep because his mother would already be at work. Then, he had to go straight to sleep. Since he did not have to see his family sacrifice anything for him to join college made Vilario really happy.
A Family Pulls Up
Pedro was glad that he had work to do and money to save. He had set his goals and was willing to do an excellent job no matter what the task was at his new job. Every person that he served there and the floors that he mopped were all stepping stones towards achieving his ultimate goal. During morning time in the rush-hour, a family pulled up on his window. The driver of this car was, in fact, a woman.