Many people cry about never getting a fair chance to prove themselves or to do something good. But a homeless man named Sammy Githae is one of those rare people who got a golden opportunity to kickstart his life yet he chose to go back and live on the streets. Life gave him everything and instead of grabbing it with both hands, he started the blame game. And you would never believe what for. This is the story of Sammy aka Blackie and his beloved, Virginia Njeri who gained fame quickly and lost it all even sooner.
Sammy and Virginia are one of the strangest couples that we’ve come across and this might put you too in disbelief.
A Homeless Man
Almost everyone we see is running behind money so vigorously that it looks like money is the only thing left in the world that is important. A homeless man was lying under a tree and looking at a roadside flower store. Valentine’s Day was around the corner but he didn’t have any money to do anything special for his beloved. And there was nothing new about it.
Most Of Life On The Streets
This homeless man was now used to the life of the streets. He was living there for more than 15 years now and he cared least about earning money or getting a job. That’s the thing about most of the people we see out on the streets, they’ve stopped trying to get paid long back. Yes, no one chooses to live on the streets willingly, but that’s what we thought till date. The financial crisis and negligent parents are one of the biggest reasons why people end up living on the streets.
Streets Of Nairobi
As per the charity Kenya Children of Hope, in 2007 an estimated of 250,000-300,000 children were homeless across Kenya out of which 60,000 lived on the streets of Nairobi, the country’s capital. This guy was no different than these people until one day he got in the sight of a stranger.
Overcome The Problems 
In the last few years, he learned that life wasn’t that bad for him. Yes, he did live on the streets yet he found the love of his life. He was happy even when he didn’t have a fixed job and a home for this new girl taught him home isn’t a place but someone’s arms. Though they weren’t satisfied with their lives, they were happy to have finally found each other.
Someone Noticing Him
So, that weekend before Valentine’s a person noticed this homeless man sleeping under the tree. He called some of the people from his team and pointed at the man. These guys were looking for someone exactly like him. But how can a homeless man be of any use to these men?
A Photographer
This man was a skilled photographer who was looking for something unique to capture. When he looked at the guy lying down under the tree and staring at the flower stall, he came up with a great idea. He then shared the idea with his team who appreciated it but the homeless man’s contribution was required to fulfill this idea.