Her Idea
Since Bernard would be able to have even more fun and be freer to move about, Jenifer spent a lot of time to brainstorm and think of an idea. And soon, a brilliant idea came to her. She was quick and immediately got to work. And so Hurt made her way to the store to get some supplies. She went to the toy store. But why would she go there of places?
At The Toy Store
And so what did Hurt need to go to the toy store for? Well, when she got there she picked up a little cart with a trailer. This was for Bernard as she decided that he would move better if he had on some wheels. So it turns out that Jenifer wanted to craft makeshift wheels for little Bernard the kitten. So did her plan backfire or work well for the handicapped cat?
Freer Than Ever
So after she took some time to make the DIY wheel for the kitten, Hurt was finally done. And it was finally time for her to put Bernard the cat on the wheels. Was her plan going to work well for the cat who absolutely needed a better means to move about? Well, right after Jenifer attached the wheels to Bernard, he was now free to move and run quicker than ever.
Bernard Gets Overexcited
After working hard to make sure her cat could have better mobility, Jenifer was glad to see that the cat was appreciative of her efforts. As soon as the wheels were placed on him, she could barely keep control of the kitten because be became overexcited upon the discovery that he was now able to move with a quicker pace. He could not keep still and was running around the house.
Zooming Off
Since the cat had been so accustomed to being a little slow, the realization that he could now zoom swiftly across the house got him super excited. “The second he got his wheels, he was off to the races with no hesitation. He really seemed to enjoy himself and zoomed around all over!” Alissa said as she spoke about the kitten. The happiness was obvious…
A Smile On Her Face
Alissa had felt bad for the kitty ever since she was introduced to him because he struggled to move about. But after the wheels were placed on him and Bernard was jolly and running about, it made her glad. To see that Bernard was thoroughly enjoying his wheels and what they have allowed him to do, it put a smile on everyone who saw Bernard’s excitement.