Strong Jaws

Stingrays though lack bones and have a cartilage, they have very strong jaws. They can break shells which are as hard as rocks. The stingray’s jaws are made of several thick layers of calcified cartilage which provides them with a relatively hard jaw area.

Hiding Skills

Stingrays can never be defeated when it comes to hiding. They have a skin tone of grey to light brown color which is similar to the color of the sand. The stingrays make use of their flattened body and hide under the sea sand on the seafloor. This prevents them from being caught by their predators and at the same time, while hiding there, they can hunt for their food.

Born As Developed Creatures

Baby stingrays are born as fully developed creatures. Their bodies are quite proportionate, and all their major body systems are fully developed. Right from birth they know how to swim and can swim across the sea in search of their food. Surprisingly, their mothers just stand behind them as support but majorly the baby stingrays are on foot since the day are born.

Live Alone

A majority of stingrays prefer living alone all their lives. However, they join other stingrays only during the breeding time. They may even join their members during the migratory season. While migrating together to different feeding grounds, the large group of stingrays is called as “fever”.

Venomous Tail

Stingrays have a sharp tail. They store venom in their tails and they even have a spine in their tail. They use their tail to injure and harm any suspicious prey they see coming their way. The injury resulted out of a stingray is caused by the venomous tail spine’s.