Unexpected letter
Not many days had passed since Sue’s death when an unexpected letter came to John. The man thought it to be some business letter and did not give much importance. However, he decided to open it up. It was from someone called Robert. The name did not ring any bell to John. He was soon going to find out the stunning reason why this man had decided to write to him.
Acquaintance Of Sue
He learned that the man knew Sue. He happened to be her co-worker at the toilet-seat factory. They used to work together. John wondered what he had to say about his mother. Was the letter about the secret that she had kept all her life? It indeed was. He read………
Letter Of Gratitude
Robert’s letter with these words: “I just wanted you to know how much my family and I appreciate what your mother has done for us for all these years.” The man could not make anything out of this. He read further to find out more…………
An Angel
The letter further read, “Every year on Christmas Eve day your mom comes to my house dressed like Mrs. Claus and gives a Christmas we can’t afford to give them.” So, that is what her mother used to do every Christmas Eve. There was more to this revelation.
Shady Behavior
Robert’s letter further stated, “She has given them shoes, shirts, jeans, toys, and candy. I know your heart is heavy and that you are missing Miss Sue. We do, too.” He continued, “We loved her and just wanted you to know what she has done for us.”
Love From Claus

So now everything was clear like water. The woman used to disappear from her house only to become Mrs. Claus for Robert’s children. She was indeed a woman of kindest heart. Not many people go to this extent to keep their friend’s children happy. She used to spend money from her pocket to buy gifts for his children. Now John was not only surprised but proud too.