A Chaos

James told the matter to his siblings. All the brothers and sisters stood by each other and were not sure whether they should go forward with this DNA Test or not. Later in the same post, James said, “No matter what the results are, we will still love each other, and our parents no matter what.” James never knew that the gift he bought thinking will bring the family closer will actually make matters worse.
Waiting And Waiting
The kids waited for their parents to come downstairs. They just prayed and hoped that everything was fine. After a couple of hours, the couple finally stepped downstairs, they looked quite calm now. James was prepared that his parents were about to speak out words that neither of them was expecting And now it was showtime.
What Was The Problem?

There must have been something serious going on which caused the parents to fight like this. Whatever might have it been, they were now prepared to face their kids and even tell them the hidden secret. Everyone had their fingers crossed as every word that would follow their parents’ mouth would change the dynamics of their family.
Falling Apart

James was trembling. He wanted to know the truth but was he really prepared for it? He was just cursing himself for getting such a stupid gift. A simple Christmas gift could cost the family too much. Finally, his mother broke the ice and started to speak…
A Confession

James parents sat beside each other. As his mother was about to confess something, his father held her hand. They both stood there expressionless and with a heavy heart looked at their children and began to speak. James had never known that the truth was this harsh.
The Truth

The mother told the kids that their father, was their father in every sense as he had nurtured them with all his heart, but the fact was that the boys were biologically his sons, however, the girls were not. This came as a shock to everyone and especially to James’ two sisters. And was the father aware of this?