One Booth
Kate discovered that while all the booths were occupied, there was one booth in the corner which was vacant. Initially, she thought there must have been a mistake, but when she closely saw there was none sitting there. If the place was vacant then why did the waitress asked the family to wait. What was the matter?
Family Restaurant
Kate said to herself that the restaurant claims to be a family restaurant but with their actions, they were clearly proving the opposite. Even after having a place, they asked her and her young kids to wait. Moreover, this was when they already had a reservation. Outraged, Kate took it to the immediate waitress she came across.
What Is This?
Kate turned to the nearest waitress and questioned her about the same. She told that it wasn’t right to make them wait after having a place for them to sit. By now, Maddi started to show her childish tantrums. She would stamp on the floor loudly and cry. Kate knew she was hungry and so was Cole.
Right In Corner
Kate leads the waitress to that empty booth. She said, “See right there in the corner, you have an empty booth”. She complained about their terrible service. She had prior experience of such bad service due to her disruptive children but this was extreme. Clearly, why was the family denied access to that booth?
The waitress grew nervous. She was trying to explain Kate the situation, but the annoyed mother wouldn’t listen. The waitress stammered and almost spilled food she had in plates as Kate dragged her to the empty booth. As they reached the booth, Kate saw that it was she who was at fault. The table had no occupants, but still, it wasn’t empty.
Reserved For Ghosts
The table read “Reserved”. Kate would have been sorry for her behavior but the very moment she saw that the table had been properly set, places were defined and meal served. But there weren’t any guests. All she said was, “Is this reserved for ghosts?”