Clearly, in the video, the bride has donned a fitting satin wedding gown. She can be seen on a carriage drawn by a horse. She is riding the carriage with Barend Boers, her fiancé who is wearing a black suit. The sky is clear. It is one of the sunny days of spring.
The Shul
Thereafter, the couple turns to a local synagogue from Leeuwarden City Hall. The video then focuses on the entry point of the shul that is crowded with men and women making into it. The crowd includes locals coming from the Jewish quarter of the same poverty-stricken, provincial city. They all have gathered to witness the affair.
Brothers Of Bride
The bride had two brothers and both of them were pilots. The one who served in the British army can be seen in the video whereas the other one who worked for the Dutch army was away taking a flight course.
And soon the video began capturing the interior of the synagogue. The synagogue is thronged with wedding guests. Abraham Salomon Levison is region’s chief rabbi officiate. The man is donning a black hexagonal hat.
Then is the reception in which the couple seems all relaxed. The reception took place at the German Eagle, the local Jewish kosher hotel. The camera pans over guests who are chit-chatting while drinking advocaat — Dutch eggnog and chuckles when seeing the camera. And lastly, the groom can be seen kissing his bride on the forehead.
A Bad Change
The couple and the guests had no idea at that time that their life is going to change and in many cases is going to end in a matter of a year. It is heartbreaking to see innocent lives becoming a scapegoat in a war.