
On October 24, 2013, the couple was blessed with a pair of twin girls and a pair of twin boys. Both Annie and Chrissy gave birth on the same day, while Annie gave birth to two baby girls, Chrissy had brought two baby boys into the family. They named their kids Grace, Hadley, Tommy, and Charley. 

A Thankful Sister

Annie was eventually able to conceive on her own, and when asked if she regrets seeking help from Chrissy. She replied, “I was perhaps a little more calm and relaxed this particular time as a lot of pressure was off from me, I can’t just say that if we had chosen not to use her as a surrogate then things would exactly be the same as they are”. She also thanked Chrissy for helping them start a family. “It just came out of love, and Chrissy didn’t really care about the consequences to herself,” she clarified.

Hear It From Chrissy

Chrissy was well aware of the after effects and the toll pregnancy can take on one’s body. Despite all, she carried her sister’s children for 9 months and happily gave them away. “I consider them as my nephews,” she said, she’s an active member in their lives and it’s easy for her to be there at those special moments as they all live in the same neighborhood.

A Grand Gesture

Annie and Joby were blessed with a loving family. Chrissy came to their rescue when the couple had the problem of their life and just when it wasn’t enough, Annie’s parents offered their service. They were willing to look after their newly born grandkids whenever the situation demands, so Annie could use some rest.

The Family They Always Wanted

Down on their luck for 5 long years, eventually, the couple’s hands were now full. Annie Annie got more than she had ever dreamed of, she said: “they were taking quadruplets home, as the kids were brought to life on the same day.” “Mills of the gods grind slowly,” and at last, the couple had the family of their dreams.