New Perspectiveryan jill finley comatose wife

“It’s brought life to a whole new perspective, we look at each day so much differently now. We just spend every minute that we can together — going to the grocery store now, we go together, go everywhere together,” said the couple about the astonishing improvement in their relationship as they value each and every moment spend together.

Like Newlywedscoma recovery - Jill Finley

They are living their lives to the fullest now with all the fun and excitement and the most important thing is their togetherness. People have loved them more since this incident and the couple has now become like a local celebrity.

comatose wife - Ryan Finley

Ryan Finley was nominated for the Oklahoma Heart Hero Award, presented by the Oklahoma Heart Hospital for his efforts of using CPR. The most important thing for Ryan is that he took his beloved to both the restaurants which she mentioned after waking up from the coma.