Great Example

“All the doctors say I’m not textbook material. I do remember the big shower they wheeled me into every day. Other than that, I don’t remember anything,” Jill explained. Normally it is said that a person can hear everything in the coma but her case was different like many others. But what about Ryan giving up on her and letting her go? Did she find it fair enough?

‘…That’s Just Not Me’comatose wife - Jill Finley

After recovering from her coma, Jill wasn’t dishearted knowing about Ryan’s decision of taking her off the life support instead she said, “I would not have wanted to live like that. And so he did the right thing, he did. Because they basically told him that I was going to be a vegetable. I was going to be laying there in bed, you know, wearing diapers for the rest of my life and that’s just not me.” However, the doctors’ words are more like a confusion.

How Did It All Happen?

comatose wife survivor

“I honestly do believe that God answered the prayers. We had so many people praying for me – just tons of different churches, and family and friends,” said Jill who gave all the credits of her recovery to God and Ryan and her loved ones. Doctors who closely studied her medical condition had something else to say.

Forgot The Basicscoma survivor - Jill Finley

Though she had all the memories of her life, Jill forgot the simple tasks like brushing her teeth, tying her shoes and cooking. But the couple started their life as a newly married again. As the graceful Jill explained, “Pretty much, I am normal. One of our friends, [said], ‘I’m so jealous. You guys are like newlyweds.’”

Doctors’ Saycoma recovery - Jill Finley

Jill’s heart stopped working when she was asleep which resulted in the coma. Doctor’s don’t have an exact explanation for her recovery. Jill has to go to the therapist for some time. Doctors themselves find it nothing less of a miraculous occurring.

Checking On Each OtherRyan and Jill Finley

“There’s still not a night that goes by that I don’t wake up. I’ll usually kick her and if she kicks me back, I know we’re OK,” shares the couple their funny yet heartwarming style of checking on to each other if they are doing fine every night.