All Of A Sudden…comatose wife - Jill Finley

Ryan was sure that he can’t see his wife dying and now the nurses were calling to see her dead. It was close to 11 p.m., ie, 5 hours after removing Jill from the life support. When he entered the room, she was mumbling and Ryan assumed it to be the “last rally”. Ryan recalls, “I thought that was it, that was the last rally.”

Questions Without Answers

Ryan remembers that she was trying hard to say something and wasn’t just mumbling. She was also trying to move which was strange and Ryan understood that something was not normal. Ryan was confused, was it just a reflex of her body? Or she was getting better? How was she getting better without life support?

Speak Up!comatose wife - Jill Finley

“Get me out of here,” Jill said and added further demands, “Take me to Ted’s and take me to the Melting Pot,” she named her favorite Mexican restaurants. On the basis of the doctor’s advice to not expect anything Ryan asked more questions to check that it’s not just a reflex. Ryan’s questions from Jill made everyone look at the couple for a moment with nervousness.

Started Speakingcoma survivor - Jill Finley

“She knew our dog’s name, our cat’s name, our phone number. She knew our address immediately,” Ryan recalled. It was so strange for him that when he was expecting her to wake up she was lying there, now when he had made up his mind that she’ll be gone Jill was back. His happiness couldn’t be expressed in words.

Like Living A Dream

“It was – I can’t imagine a feeling better than what I felt right then. I kind of had to take a double-take, and that went on for about 24 hours. I really couldn’t believe it was happening. The two or three days prior I was preparing for the worst and the best happened. It was just like living in a dream for a day – then it hit me, ‘She’s back, dummy,’” said Ryan. But how did this happen? Was it something doctors can explain or simply a miracle?

Six Days Later…coma survivor - Jill Finley

Jill stood up within 6 days and it was nothing less than incredible. Everyone including their family, doctors, friends, and people who knew their story were completely mesmerized when within a week this young lady was back on her feet and was discharged from the hospital. There were some weird facts about her coma too.