Leaving The Package
Todd reached at his old mate’s place at the hour of dusk. Again no one answered the doorbell. That’s when the UPS delivery driver thought that he was just being paranoid. He didn’t know everything about the man and he too might have occasional plans. He shrugged off all the doubts and left the package at his doorstep.
Shrugging It Off
On his way back home, Todd kept on thinking about how life changes after retirement and how glad he was that he never decided to stay at home but work as long as his body allows him. When his beautiful wife welcomed him inside, he forgot all his worries. Until the following Tuesday, the terrifying reality stood in front of him.
Monday Blues
On Monday, Todd wasn’t assigned any delivery in the old man’s locality. The day passed away quickly without even a thought of the old man. Well, that’s how Mondays are: busy, and stressful. But Tuesday brought the awful realization with it.
Tuesday Realization
Monday was over within a blink of eyes and Tuesday too seemed fully occupied. When Todd was going through the lengthy list of deliveries, he noticed the name of the elderly person. Todd thought this will be great as now he can be assured that there was nothing wrong with the man.
In The End
This man’s name was at the end of the list which meant Todd will only get to see him when he make all the deliveries mentioned on the top as he had to work as per the sequence. Todd was quite certain that the negative feelings he had on last Friday were only because he was too tired and there will be nothing wrong with the man. But was that it?
Up The Drive
After delivering all the packages mentioned above, Todd was finally heading towards his friend’s driveway. He pulled his truck and unfastened his seatbelt to take out the parcel from the back of the truck. As this was his second last delivery for the day, he easily located the cardboard box in his friend’s name and walked towards the porch.