We all have some kind of attachment to the place where we spend 8 hours on a daily basis. No matter how much we dislike our jobs, there’s at least one good thing about it, be it the co-workers or the wages or the work itself. Some people love their jobs more than anything. After all, it gives them the opportunity to connect more with people and stay occupied all the time.
One such person worked as a UPS driver. He liked his simple routine where he delivered packages to the same faces every other day. But things started to appear odd to him when one of the customers he used to see every day suddenly disappeared.
Navy Veteran
Todd Holland, a Navy veteran and father of three has a keen eye for details. That’s the thing about the military training, no matter how long ago one underwent the training, it’ll affect their perspective forever. The people who have been the part of military training at any point of time tend to be more cautious as well as concerned when compared to the civilians. Same was the case with the Todd.
Retiring From Navy
Even after retiring from the Navy, Todd Holland had no plans of living a laid back life. For him, an ideal life meant where he continues working. Therefore, he chose to apply for work in the days he should ideally chill. After all, everyone’s definition of “ideal” is different. Todd’s wife and kids were also supportive of his decision. Now, all that was left was finding his type of job.
UPS Driver
25 years ago, Todd applied for the post of a UPS driver in the Ashe County area, North Carolina. When he got the job and started the work, he also started to like what he does. Years passed and Todd never thought of quitting. He had a simple role of delivering the packages home to home.
Best In His Job
Yes, this job was completely different from his previous work in the Navy but he liked it anyway. Now at age 55, he was one of the most reliable workers of the company. Over the last 25 years, Todd was neither late nor irregular when it came to his duty. Todd has set an example for the other dedicated employees of the firm.
Building Relationships
Not all the people were aware that the ex-U.S. Navy seal drop parcels at the doorstep every day. But Todd knew everyone in the area. Also, he became a familiar face for the locales. His work gave him the chance to make many friends in every area of the county. He was not just delivering packages but happiness too. You see, he was now a reputed personality in the locality. He knew each of his package’s recipients’ names and they knew his.
An Old Friend
Todd had been delivering parcels to an 88-year-old man from the very beginning of his job as a UPS driver. The man usually used to be in his front yard or in the porch when Todd used to pass by his home. Both of them used to smile and wave at each other. This old man was Todd’s all-time favorite person to deal with. But one day the weird thing happened.