Taking Care Of Her Friend
Most senior dogs are very prone to dying after getting a serious surgery or medical treatment. So even Taco’s family was aware that due to his age, the poor dog may never recover. But they did not want to lose hope and was not willing to give up the fight for their precious dog’s life. They gave him a fighting chance and filled him with all the attention and love he may need. And just like Taco did not leave her when she was suffering and recovering, Merrill stayed by her best friend’s side and wouldn’t budge. So then after all of the ordeal that followed, Taco began to feel a lot better. He was visibly doing a lot better and the family was quite happy to see his health progress.
Refusing To Give Up
With the help of his family and his best friend’s moral support, Taco’s health soon became stable and he was no longer in danger of experiencing a heart failure. It was such a heartwarming thing to watch as Merrill played a huge role in the recovery of her dear friend Taco. Although he is still suffering from respiratory problems with the need to take anti-seizure drugs and steroids for his lungs to live long, Taco does not have any other health issues that may disrupt his life. Even though he was quite sick and very frail, Taco did not let his sickness win him over. He remained positive and still managed to play around with Taci and his dear family that showed him support throughout.
Sticking Together Forever
We can all guess that since Merrill is a young adult, her energy would be extremely high and that she would be incredibly active. So obviously, the main activity that she enjoys doing is to roll around in the grass and run around in the family’s yard. And although he is not as fit as Merrill anymore, Taco still finds his own way play along and stay as active as he possibly can. Taco loves to be held by his human siblings and go wherever Merrill is playing. But the most important thing is that the two best friends. Merrill and Taco are still very thankful to still be living together. To see such a loving relationship between these two dogs whose friendship started from a shelter is truly a fulfilling sight.
If you think the friendship between a chihuahua and a pit bull is sweet and strange, wait till you see these adorable pictures here dogs make friends with other tiny creatures of different species.
The Goldie and the Hare
Nature is such a mystery because we often see some animals bicker with each other, fighting with one another as soon as their eyes meet. You would think that a big animal would always want to hurt or harm a smaller animal because of what we normally see on television, but this duo right here proves this notion wrong. Look at the adorable pair that consists of a golden retriever and small hare. Have you ever seen a cuter picture? we all know that Golden Retrievers are known to be one of the friendliest breeds of dogs but to actually see one sharing a close friendship with a hare is a rare sight. The only thing we can say is that things are looking up for this adorable duo!
Big Sleeper, Little Peeper
Well then, what about this cute duo that comprises of a dog and a small mouse? Dogs are usually very friendly and sweet even to other animals as long as they do not feel threatened or scared. So we see here, two completely different species in the animal kingdom, sharing a bed. What could be sweeter? This dog is clearly a little tired and needs some rest while the mouse seems to want some playtime. It appears as though the little mouse is asking the dog saying “Come on, buddy, time to get up and play!” Looking at these two animals play around would be such a treat because of their obvious different sizes. The dog would have to be very cautious and careful so as not to hurt the little mouse.
A Prince Among Dogs
When we see a dog and a frog, what would we normally do? Most of us would freak out and try to shoo the frog away right? They are usually seen as nasty freshwater creatures that need to be kept away from the house at all times. So what would happen if this dog kissed this small frog? Do you think a “Princess and the Frog’ themed incident would take place? That does not seem so likely but then you have to admit that sounds like a very promising movie that everyone would love to watch. How would these two communicate and what would they say? Do you think the frog would be as grossed out about other creatures as we all are about it? This is, however, a cute picture that shows us that true friendship does not judge others based on species.