Rachelle Dyer always laughed when people would call her and Nicoll sisters. They would often say that do you have a twin sister? Any sibling? However, Rachelle always had the same answer, indeed she had a twin sister named Kristelle Arthur Harrington and not Nicoll. And this was not the only thing.
Me Too
When people asked Nicoll the same question, even she would laugh at it and would say that she already had a twin sister named Lisa Holley Vann and not Rachelle. This was a surprise and a strange thing at the same time. Neither of them knew that there was something hidden from them.
Dyer’s husband was now curious. After hearing about his wife and Nicoll’s similarities, in 2017 he asked her to perform a home DNA test and know if there were any possibilities of having a sibling. She received the results in March 2019 and did not get those verified. But…
A Woman
It was in 2019 that the principal at Tallwood Elementary asked Dyer to at least look for the results of her DNA Test. And surprisingly she found a match. Her DNA matched with a woman named Tracey Hall. Who was she?
Tyer located Hall with the help of internet. And one thing which surprised her the most was Hall already knew about Dyer. But how? And if that was the case then why didn’t she ever reach out to her? Hall’s aunt Janice Moore gave birth to twin daughters who were later put on for adoption. And this was just the beginning of the long mystery.
A Big News
Dyer was amazed as she knew that she and her sister were adopted and if Moore gave twin daughters for adoption, the possibility made sense that they two are those daughters only. Yet another shocking piece of information came. Moore’s biological daughters lived at Virginia Beach and their names were…