The policeman would do something that would make Courtney run behind him frantically and she would lose all her senses. Who was the policeman? Why would he do such a thing to Courtney? What could possibly be his purpose?
After finishing his salad, the policeman asked for his check and still unaware of his plans, Courtney came with his check smiling kindly looking at him. He was staring at her blankly and Courtney could not understand if she had done something wrong.
The Plot
As soon as the policeman got the check, he paid for it and left…or so it seemed. Courtney went to clean the table like she always did and collect the bill that the customer pays and leaves behind. But when she opened the check folder this time, she was stunned.
A Note
The policeman had left a note for Courtney and when she read it she could not understand anything. The letter was completely and straightforwardly directed at her, and that was very clear even though there was no name specified in the letter.
Written Inside
“Enjoy ur 1st,” the cop wrote. “You will never forget it.” And it did not end here. He had even left $100 for Courtney although the total bill was just $8.75. Such a huge tip and a note? Why? How did he even know about the baby being Courtney’s first child?
When Courtney tried understanding what might have happened, she realized that the policeman must have overheard Courtney’s conversation with the family sitting on the next table because she had told them about the baby.