Attempts To Prevent A Tragedy
When the baby comes, Keola was going to be an elder sister. She was the one who delivered the news of the pregnancy to the couple and now she seemed to behave in the most unfriendly manner with the unborn baby. It did upset Alhanna to see Keola disturbed but what you would have done if you were in her place?
Keola Hits A Breaking Point
As Alhanna’s due date was getting closer, the couple couldn’t wait to become parents. All their family members were equally excited for the two of them. They brought in various gifts for the little member of their family. Everyone was suggesting them various names for the baby but Alhanna’s mind was somewhere constantly worrying for Keola and whatever was bothering her.
Mood Swings

They were nearly in the midway of their pregnancy when Keola’s behavior grew out of their control. She had these odd mood swings wherein she stopped leaving Alhanna alone. She accompanied her even in the bathroom. Also, nudging the pregnant woman’s belly became a daily thing.
Concerns Start To Increase
Keola’s behavior was now becoming a serious issue in the family. What seemed like mood swings due to hormonal changes were actually totally different signs. Keola pressed her snout to Alhanna’s belly and cried most of the times. For a moment, the thought crossed Ricky’s mind, “was Keola trying to say something they were failing to understand? Was she trying to warn them?”
A Dog Code To Decipher
Butler and Ricky now started to notice that Keola seemed more concerned than jealous. She always kept her head close to Alhanna’s pregnant belly and wept. The couple further got their checkups done and everything was going perfectly normal. Keola’s strangeness was not annoying the couple anymore they were rather worried. Sadly, the truth didn’t come out until the 18th week of the pregnancy.
Strange And Sudden Pain
Alhanna Butler’s pregnancy was going smoothly until the 18th week when she started to feel a sudden pain in her lower back. During her pregnancy term, she didn’t feel this before, as a matter of fact, she never felt a pain like that ever during her lifetime. As if this pain wasn’t enough that she also started to feel a pressing sensation in her belly.