No Alternative
Shane remembered that he cannot even make it to the nearest phone or shout for help otherwise the man would know where he’s hiding. Shane was suffering from the worst and nobody was there to help the poor little boy.
Going Upstairs
The burglar soon ran upstairs, the sound of his footsteps was beginning to increase and Shane was now holding himself inside the compact cupboard trying to remain utterly silent. Shane was this close to break down and start crying but that would bring him in the eyes of the burglar.
Eyes On Him
The burglar saw Shane hiding inside the cupboard and asked him to come outside. From all the terror, the kid was on the verge of fainting but didn’t get out of the cupboard. The man opened the cupboard and was going to grab Shane when the unexpected happened.
Here Comes The Pooch
The man was unaware of Baby Girl’s presence in the house. He was smart enough to track the time when Shane’s mother wasn’t home but he didn’t notice the pit bull he owned was home too. Maybe this burglar just took him as ‘not a big deal’. The pit bull, on the other hand, was about to prove this person wrong with her actions. Will a dog be enough to save Shane’s life? What if this gave rise to the burglar and he did something harmful to Shane?
When the door of the cupboard opened, the man noticed that Shane wasn’t alone but Baby Girl was sitting right next to him. As soon as the burglar tried to touch Shane, Baby Girl bit him on his leg. There were two consequences, either the man will run away or he’ll kill the pooch!
He Runs Away!
Baby Girl bit him and didn’t leave him until he was scared enough to run away. The burglar’s leg started bleeding and he took a step backward and leaned on a wall. And turned back to run outside the house. Baby Girl didn’t stop there because out of fear Shane fell on the floor.