That day after the lunch, Judy made all the attempts to convince her parents but it only made the conversation take a worse turn. In fact, they made it quite clear to her that they will not be present at her wedding if she marries Michael. In no way, they were going to be supportive of her marrying an “uneducated man” who worked at construction sites.
All Judy’s plans to live a happy life with Michael were crushed by her parents. For her, the parent’s approval meant a lot. Also, she truly loved him. It was going to be a life-changing decision to make and Judy didn’t know what to do.
Gave Up
After giving herself a week’s time Judy finally decided to agree with her parent’s wish and leave Michael. With tears in her eyes, she picked up the phone and called Michael to give the sad news.
Repeat Situation
When Judy told Michael that the two years long relationship was over because her parents didn’t like Michael’s profession, he felt like his heart broke into pieces. It was like he was back to square one.
Feeling Hopeless
Michael was now clueless. He started to think that no one will like to be with a man like him. Like always he kept on working to ignore the pain until his friend came up with a piece of useful advice. He suggested Michael look for jobs in Australia as the country pays a much higher amount for the same work that he has been doing in Taiwan.
Michael took this advice seriously and moved to Australia just to earn more. Moving to a new country can be really tough when one has a strong accent that is hard for any native speaker to understand it. But Michael was determined that he won’t give up after coming this far.