Ancient Roman Myth
Dr. Egidio Melta who is associated with Melchor Romero Hospital stated about the condition of the baby when he was brought in. He clarified that the baby was only a few hours old when he was admitted to the hospital at 11.30 p.m. Does this story ring a bell to you? Well, there is an ancient Roman myth of Romulus and Remus that follows the same track.
A Myth
The parents of Romulus and Remus abandoned them just a few hours after they were born. A female wolf finds them on the side of a river and rescues them. Not only that, the wolf protected them until a group of shepherds discovered the twins. This story might be a myth but there have been many real-life stories that are about animals protecting human babies.
Canine Denominator
Dogs have been staying with animals for centuries. They have always proved their loyalty to their human companion. They are very friendly and has affection for newborns. Way herself was a mother and so when she saw a human infant lying on the ground all by himself she decided to help him. Way knew what she was doing. She tried to keep him warm by covering him with a rag.
Safe And Sound
The baby is in safe hands now and is being watched over round the clock. The authorities are looking after him until a suitable family adopts him. As far as her biological mother is concerned she got arrested for leaving him. However, the story did not have a happy ending.
Heartbreaking Reality
The authorities did not ignore the current state of Way and her pups. They decided to give them to a shelter. But for that Way had to be taken away from her owner. It was a sad moment for all of them but it was supposed to be done for the good of the dog and the man who was not able to provide her enough food.
In A Different Way
We have heard numerous stories about human rescuing animals but rarely come across any story that is about an animal rescuing a human. This story restores our faith in humanity and the fact that animals too have compassion and feelings.