Six Pups And A Baby
There were six puppies snuggled to each other. It seemed as if the puppies were glued to each other. Perhaps they were fighting the cold. But as the officers got closer they realized that the pups were not fighting cold but were hiding something astonishing.
Tiny Little Baby
Way was right there. Her pups moved towards her as the officers approached them. As the pups dispersed, a tiny little baby appeared to the scene. He was lying right beneath them. The baby was naked and hungry. He was crying continuously and maybe that’s why Way laid closer to him and placed her head on his. Salcedo could not believe his eyes. He was all stunned. The baby was all alone.
Abandoned At Birth
Salcedo took the baby to the hospital. As the baby was newly born there were high chances for it of falling ill. Miraculously, the baby was in good condition leaving aside the few injuries and weighed about 2.3 kilos as the infant was premature. The authorities finally managed to find the 33-year-old mother of the baby. What does she have to say? Why did she abandon the baby?
They asked her why had she abandoned her son. The woman replied by saying that she did this for a reason. She said that she already has eight mouths to feed and one more would have only added to her problem. Surprisingly, the spot where she had left her baby differed from the place where she was actually found. So does it mean that the baby reached the bunch of trash or dirt by crawling?
Way rushed to the location of the baby when she heard the cry. Most probably, that is when Way picked him up and took him to the bed she had prepared for her children. It must have been 50 meters away from the location she was found at. The dog had taken the responsibility of taking care of the infant till the time authorities find him.
Becoming Popular

Way became the star of the eyes of many people once the news of her compassionate nature made headlines all across the country. Media began to call her “the miracle baby Santino.” People would call her a saint. But Salcedo who had seen the incident with his own eyes was yet to come to terms with it. He described, “She took it like a puppy and rescued it,” “The doctors told us if she hadn’t done this, he would have died.”