Poor Helpless Pet
At this point, the hamster felt completely helpless and that all his efforts to fight back his owner failed. Well, we personally feel bad about the hamster’s loss but we do understand that it was for his betterment only. What we can’t deny is that it was indeed an “aww moment”. Just one small step and the mission clipping was about to be accomplished.
Mission Accomplished
As the hamster was still struggling but this much resistance was tolerable. Thankfully, there were no more peanuts popping out of its mouth. So, with a little more precaution, Tanken clipped its upper incisors and shaped them nicely. He was proud of the little pet and in order to comfort the hamster, Tanken patted on its head and let it go back to the rest of its friends. Later, Tanken took a look at the video…
Uploading Worthy Or Not?
After watching the video Tanken couldn’t stop laughing. But he was not sure to share it on his channel. When his family said he should immediately upload it, he did. And the results were far more than anyone’s expectations.
Famous Hamster
As we already told you that Tanken’s Youtube channel is quite famous. But this video suddenly broke all the records. It could be because of the hamster’s popping out those peanuts that this video was shared. What so ever would have been the reason for its popularity the video has been viewed by more than millions of viewers.
More Adorable Hamsters
Tanken still posts videos of his hamsters on regular basis. His only mission is to tell more and more people that cats and dogs aren’t the only good species to be kept as pets but hamster too equally deserve a loving owner.