Popped Out
Noticing something in the hamster’s mouth, Tanken pressed his cheek and finally, something popped out his mouth. To Tanken’s surprise, that wasn’t all, there were more inside the hamster’s mouth. So, he kept the clipper aside to press the hamster’s cheek to understand the whole scene.
A Nutty Surprise
So, just to get away from the clipper, the hamster finally gave up and spit out a whole bunch of peanuts. All these peanuts were in the hands of Tanken and he just couldn’t stop laughing. Well, if you think that was all… the cunning hamster wasn’t done yet.
Many More To Go…
The little hamster still managed to hide two more peanuts deeper in its throat. But Tanken was now aware of what a smart piece of animal he was dealing with here. The hamster was clearly getting scared of the clipper and started popping out more peanuts just by looking at it. At this point, we would like you to guess how many peanuts you think this little hamster was hiding? Definitely, the answer is going to make you laugh.
The Whole Arsenal
Every time Tanken took the clipper closer, the hamster popped out the peanuts and not once, not twice not thrice, it kept happening. How was he keeping them stored inside and from how long Tanken had no clue but all in all there were 17 peanuts in his hands within a few minutes. Was this hamster trying to shoot the clipper with those peanuts or what we don’t know but the poor rodent’s secret was now revealed and it was now weaponless.

After seeing his hamster playing serious tricks on him, Tanken decided he won’t take any risk. Before getting back to the clipping work he checked the rodent for any more hidden peanuts. He couldn’t locate any as far as he saw but that didn’t mean there was nothing at all. Tanken after assuring that the peanut war was finally over, got back to his work of clipping the hamster’s teeth who seemed quite angry about losing the war.
Progress Made
At last, Tanken showed the viewers his hamster’s teeth. Very smoothly and carefully he clipped both the incisor’s bottom. He left the hamster teeth just half an inch long. Just clipping the teeth is not enough, it should be left with finishing so that the hamster doesn’t face any problem.