It is the internet age and we witness every other human falling in love over the web. This is something really common these days. We have a lot of websites promising you to help out in finding your soulmate and what not.
But, this is a story of a couple who found the love of their lives over the mass media and internet played a major role in their lives.
It was very common for people to upload their pictures over the web and receiving likes and appreciation for the same. But when this couple did something similar, they were left confused. Why?
The Strange Following
This couple from California has gained much media attention and for some surprising reasons. Just like every other couple of today’s era, they too uploaded their pictures together over the social media. They have been doing it for a long. They were admired by many other young couples and the appreciation they got for the same, further encouraged them. People would comment about this couple’s eternal love, their compatibility and how good they look together. The couple would be overjoyed to receive such applause.
The Picture
Knowing that they were quite known and encouraged, the couple got used to their pictures getting a lot of attention. But one day something strange happens. Once they uploaded a picture which gained worldwide attention. Not only did the followers like it but the various media houses and publications also were attracted towards it. It was not the first time that this couple uploaded their picture on social media. Then what was that special in this picture?
Trying To Find
The couple was astonished to see that their picture is breaking the records. They really could not understand why? It was just another picture for them and it wasn’t anything extraordinary. Nor was it any special occasion on which the image was clicked and neither was the background any unusual. The couple began reading the comments to comprehend this much of praise. And then they found it in the bottom. What was the difference in this one?
How It Began
The popular couple, Wendy Joseph and Dan Hennessey were not always this popular. Looking back they realize that their story dates back to the times when social media wasn’t such a big world either. Strangely, the digital world played a vital part not only in their success story of being the “most talked-of couple” but also in bringing them together. Seeming to be quite opposite of each other how did this couple meet?
Looking Back
In the year 2006, Wendy and Dan met for the first time. They both we young and jolly then and were cherishing their college life. Dan was a year older to Wendy. He was 18 and Wendy was 17. She just graduated from her high school and wanted to pursue a career in public healthcare. Dan was a sophomore at college was studying Exercise Science. Till then they didn’t know that their paths will cross and that too in the most unconventional way.
A New Website
Dan bore the personality of an extrovert being. He was an outgoing individual who loved to party with friends and enjoyed meeting new people and building rapport. During this time only, a new American Social Media website namely Facebook stepped in. Facebook was very young then and only teenagers and college students used it to find their friends and at times a date. Dan was attracted towards the website, something compatible of his nature.