The old lady initially thought that this man was Keith’s doppelgänger and he was just messing around with her and what she did next was absolutely unbelievable. It was out of doubt and the old lady asked a question to the bodyguards who were standing nearby to confirm whether this man was actually who he claimed or not. The woman looked at the bodyguards expecting an answer and what they said blew her mind.
He Is Keith Urban
The bodyguards confirmed that the man was indeed the famous country singer Keith Urban and the woman’s reaction was priceless. There was a wide smile of disbelief spread across her face and she was feeling stupid for not recognizing the man in the first look. “It was then I realized what an idiot I was,” Reed said.
Ruth Is Amazed
The old lady had never imagined that she would meet Keith Urban someday, that too at a grocery store where she had appointed herself to reach out to those in need. Moreover, Keith turned out to be one of those people whom this lady had helped at the Wawa store over the last couple of weeks. The lady was at the peak of her excitement and what she said next will amaze you as well.
Strange Question
The lady had a lot of unanswered questions popping in her head for the last few minutes and she began by asking Keith that how in 7 heavens is it possible for a rich and famous singer to not have enough money for something as common as groceries. Keith didn’t mind the question at all and simply told Ruth about forgetting his wallet back home. But the lady had a lot of questions to ask and the next one was worth asking.
Helping Out
Keith and Ruth had a decent conversation and the two learned some interesting facts about each other. Keith was impressed after learning that he wasn’t the only person Ruth had helped out at the Wawa store and it had nothing to with his celebrity status as the woman was initially unaware of it. It was more of a weekly thing for Ruth which eventually turned into a tradition. However, Ruth’s next question surprised Keith and brought a wide smile on his face.
Nicole Kidman
It’s not hidden from anyone that Keith Urban is married to the renowned Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman. As it turned out, Ruth Reed is a huge fan of Nicole which was why she asked Keith about her. The singer giggled and replied that Nicole is home waiting for her husband to come back with a bag full of groceries