Making A Threat

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The woman who was also in the park had something she wanted to share with Betty. Since she was making a call to the police, this woman wanted to make sure Betty was clear with the rules and regulation. The woman went ahead and informed Betty that the area was a special portion of the park where folks could enjoy barbeque and cookouts. Betty did not accept this and still made a threat to call 911.

Afternoon Happiness

It was indeed strange for Betty to have such a problem with this family having a barbeque. They were not disturbing anyone and were only there to have a nice time in the afternoon but their fun was completely ruined by her. You can only imagine the level of frustration that this family must have faced when they learned that a random lady wanted their cookout to end…

National News

This is the kind of story that you would never think to actually happen to people. But unfortunately, folks like Betty actually exist just to make the lives of others a living hell. The incident regarding Betty making a call to the cops, giving a complaint about a family enjoying a barbeque in the park soon became viral and was featured on national news too. This was not surprising because it was shocking to see that such evil people live on the planet too…

Popular For The Wrong Reason

So since she was so evil and had no sense of remorse whatsoever, Betty soon gained fame and notoriety for all the wrong reasons. “Barbeque” Betty was an instant star in her city because of the infamous call she made about the family having a good time in the park. She had indeed been blacklisted by everyone in the area who is planning on organizing a barbeque or a cookout.

Plain Evil People

Many people like the neighbor lady and Barbeque Betty who would actually put an effort in stopping good things like little Jaequan’s business from thriving. They do not feel bad about calling the cops on them. Let’s hope Jaequan’s inspiring story restores your faith in the authorities, that they would still do anything to help citizens and folks trying to do good.